Titled meu modo de pensar é um pensar coletivo / antes de estar em mim já esteve nelas [my way of thinking is a collective thinking / before it was in me it was in them], the second movement of the educational publication of the 35th Bienal features contributions by Rosana Paulino, Sueli Carneiro, Geni Núñez, Kênia Freitas, as well as participanting artists of this edition Aurora Cursino dos Santos, Ceija Stojka, Daniel Lie, Denilson Baniwa, Kapwani Kiwanga, Malu Avelar, Nontsikelelo Mutiti, Sarah Maldoror, Trinh T. Minh-ha and Wifredo Lam.
The title of this publication is a composition of phrases by Rosana Paulino, registered during the educational team visit to her studio in March 2023. Among the contents of this publication, other excerpts of this visit were added.