Fundação Bienal de São Paulo announces the full list of 121 participants of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible, curated by Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes, and Manuel Borja-Villel, and the exhibit and spatial design, developed by the architects of Vão.
Full cast
The announcement of the full list of participants consolidates the curatorial collective’s intensive research on the urgencies of today’s world and unveils the different formats, movements and understandings of the title choreographies of the impossible. With 121 names confirmed, the complete list echoes the voices of diasporas and native peoples, broadening local and international dialogue.
According to the curators: “The participants in this Bienal challenge the impossible in its most varied and incalculable forms. They live in impossible contexts, develop strategies of circumvention, cross limits, and escape from the impossibilities of the world in which they live. They deal with total violence, the impossibility of life in full freedom, inequalities, and their artistic expressions are transformed by the very impossibilities of our time. This Bienal embraces the impossible, the choreographies of the impossible, as a politics of movement and political movements interwoven into artistic expressions. It is an invitation to move among artists who transcend the idea of a progressive, linear, western time. Impossibility is the guiding thread and the main criterion that guides the selection of these participants.”
For José Olympio da Veiga Pereira, president of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, the exhibition represents a new chapter and legacy for the institution. He emphasizes: “The 35th Bienal de São Paulo is a historic milestone that transcends the boundaries of the impossible. We are witnessing the convergence of exceptional artists, transformative ideas, and an incisive dialogue about the urgent issues of our time. This exhibition will become a lasting legacy, inspiring future generations and redefining the boundaries of what is possible in artistic expression.”
Aida Harika Yanomami, Edmar Tokorino Yanomami e Roseane Yariana Yanomami, Thuë Pihi Kuuwi – Uma mulher pensando, 2023. Still de filme [film still]. Cortesia dos artistas [courtesy of the artists]
Aline Motta, (Outros) Fundamentos #11 [(Other) Foundations #11], 2017-2019, fotografia digital [photography]. Coleção da artista [artist’s collection]
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda., Espaços institucionais: cantos [Institutional spaces: corner], no [at] ABRE ALAS 14, 2018, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro. Cortesia dos artistas [courtesy of the artists]
Amos Gitai, Vista da montagem de [installation view of] House. Théâtre national de la Colline, Paris, 2023. Foto [Photo]: Simon Gosselin
Ana Pi e [and] Taata Kwa Nkisi Mutá Imê. Cortesia dos artistas [Courtesy the artists] © NA MATA LAB
Anna Boghiguian,
Woven Winds / The Making of an Economy—Costly Commodities [Ventos entrelaçados / A formação de uma economia – commodities caras], 2016. Instalação composta por desenhos, colagens, esculturas e recortes de papel [installation composed of drawings, collages, sculptures and paper cutouts], dimensões variáveis [variable dimensions]. Cortesia da [courtesy of] Collezione Enea Righi
Anne-Marie Schneider, Sans titre (interieur bleu) [sem título (interior azul)], 2012. Série de dez desenhos [set of ten drawings]; acrílica sobre papel [acrylic on paper].
Foto [photo]: Vincent Everarts
Cortesia da artista e [courtesy of the artist and] Michel Rein, Paris/Brussels
Archivo de la Memoria Trans [Trans Memory Archive] Fondo Documental [Fonds] Vanesa Sander, c. 1990
Registro das obras de [View of the works of] Arthur Bispo do Rosario durante a [during the] 30ª Bienal de São Paulo © Leo Eloy / Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Aurora Cursino Aurora Cursino dos Santos Sem título, sem data Óleo sobre papel (frente e verso) 47,5 × 32 cm Coleção Museu de Arte Osório Cesar, Franco da Rocha Foto: Everton Ballardin / Fundação Bienal de São Paulodos Santos, Sem título [Untitled], s.d. [undated]. Óleo sobre papel [Oil on paper] (frente e verso [front and back]). Coleção [Collection]: Museu de Arte Osório Cesar, Franco da Rocha 47,5 x 32 cm Foto [Photo]: Everton Ballardin / Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Ayrson Heráclito e [and] Tiganá Santana © Leo Monteiro / Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Benvenuto Chavajay, Camino/en la grieta a Xibalbá [Path/of the entrance of Xibalba], 2023. Still do vídeo [Video still]. Cortesia do artista [Courtesy of the artist]
Bouchra Ouizgen, Corbeaux [Corvos], 2014, still de vídeo [video still]. Cortesia da artista [Courtesy of the artist]
Cabello/Carceller, Una voz para Erauso. Epílogo para un tiempo trans [uma voz para Erauso. Epílogo para um tempo trans], 2021-22.Vídeo [Video] 4k transferido para [transfered to] HD, cor [color], som [sound]. 28’15’’Cortesia dos artistas [courtesy of the artists]
Carmézia Emiliano, Dança do beija-flor [Dance of the Hummingbird], 2011. Óleo sobre tela [Oil on canvas], 50 x 70 cm. Foto [Photo]: Estúdio em obra Cortesia de [Courtesy of] Central Galeria
© Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro e Mendes Wood DM New York
Charles White,
Frederick Douglass, 1951. Litografia em preto sobre papel pergaminho [lithograph in black on cream wove paper], 89,5 x 76,2 cm.
Cortesia de [courtesy of] The Charles White Archives
Citra Sasmita, detalhe de [detail] Oracle and Demons 3 [oráculo e demônios 3], s/d. Cortesia da artista [courtesy of the artist]
Colectivo Ayllu, Perrear the pain [vadiar a dor], 2019, litografia original produzida em colaboração com [original lithograph produced in collaboration with] Australian Print Workshop (APW), para a 22ª Bienal de Sydney [for the 22nd Sydney Biennial], 2020. Cortesia dos artistas [courtesy of the artists]
Cozinha Ocupação 9 de Julho – MSTC. Foto [photo]: Edouard Fraipont
Daniel Lie, Non-Negotiable Condition [Condição inegociável], 2021. Vista da instalação [Installation view], Metabolic Rift 2021 ©️ Berlin Atonal Foto [Photo]: Savannah van der Niet
Davi Pontes, Wallace Ferreira Delirar o racial [Delirium the Racial], 2021. Still de vídeo [Video still]
Dayanita Singh, Mona Montage, 2021 © Dayanita Singh Cortesia da artista e [Courtesy of the artist and] Frith Street Gallery, Londres [London]
Deborah Anzinger, ,An Unlikely Birth [Um nascimento improvável], 2018. Acrílico, espelho, cabelo sintético em tela e poliestireno [Acrylic, mirror, synthetic hair on canvas and polystyrene]. Cortesia da artista [courtesy of the artist]
Denilson Baniwa, Pajé-Onça Hackeando a 33ª Bienal de Artes de São Paulo [Priest-jaguar hacking the 33rd Bienal de Artes de São Paulo], 2018. Foto [Photo]: Zedu Moreau
Vista de Poetical Readings/Intuiting the Political [Leituras poéticas/Intuindo o político], uma conversa aberta com Denise Ferreira da Silva e Valentina Desideri no episódio 7 de Arika [an open conversation with Denise Ferreira da Silva and Valentina Desideri on the 7th episode of Arika], We can’t live without our lives [Nós não podemos viver sem nossas vidas]. Tamway. Glasgow, 18 de abril de 2015. Foto[Photo]: Alex Woodward
Diego Araúja, Laís Machado, Sumidouro, 2022. Instalação e embarcação site-specific composta por palha e trilhos motorizados [Site-specific installation and vessel composed of straw, motorized rails], 96m2 e [and] 4m de altura [high]. Comissionado e coproduzido por [commissioned and coproduced by] Sesc São Paulo e [and] SAVVY Contemporary
Foto [photo]: Laís Machado, Sesc Pompeia, 2023
Duane Linklater, anteclovis, 2020. Postes de tenda, tinta, corda de nylon, lona, cavaletes de metal, máquina de lavar-roupa, alça de amarrar, pontas de flecha [Tipi poles, paint, nylon rope, tarpaulin, steel sawhorses, washing machine, tie-down strap, arrowheads]. 584 x 401 x 401 cm. Foto [Photo]: Rachel Topham Photography. Cortesia de [courtesy of] Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver
Edgar Calel, Anatomía de un canto VII, 2021. Bordado em cobertor cru [embroidery on raw blanket], 24 x 31.4 in.
Foto [photo]: Margo Porres. Cortesia do artista e [courtesy of the artist and] Proyectos Ultravioleta
Elena Asins, Canons 22, 1989-91Nanquim sobre cartão [Ink on cardboard] 24 x 24 cm cada [each] (72 desenhos [drawings]). Coleção [Collection]: Banco de España
Elizabeth Catlett, Negro es bello II [Black is beautiful II], 1969. Litogravura [Litograph]. Coleção [Collection]: The Elizabeth Catlett Mora Family Living Trust
Edgar Cleijne & Ellen Gallagher, Highway Gothic, 2017–2019. Coleção dos artistas [collection of the artists]
Elda Cerrato, Algunas experiencias relativas al Okidanokh [Algumas experiências relativas ao Okidanokh], da série [from the series] Producción de Energía [Produção de energia],1965. Óleo sobre tela [Oil on canvas]. 115 x 145 cm. Coleção [collection]: Archivo Elda Cerrato (ECET)
Foto [photo]: Luciano Zubillaga
Vista do ateliê de [view of the studio of] Emanoel Araujo. Cortesia de [courtesy of] Simões de Assis
Eustáquio Neves, Sem título [untitled], da série [from the series] Arturos, 1993-95.Fotografia sobre papel, impressão Fine Art [photography on paper, Fine Art print]. Coleção [collection]: Museu Afro Brasil e acervo do artista [and collection of the artist]
flo6x8, Bankia, pulmones y branquias. Bankia sale a bolsa 2 [Bankia, pulmões e brônquios. Bankia vai a público 2], 2012 Capturas de tela [printscreens]
Frente 3 de Fevereiro, Zumbi Somos Nós na [We are Zumbi at] Ocupação Prestes Maia, 2006, fotografia [photography]. Foto [Photo]: Julia Valiengo
George Herriman, excerto de [excerpt of] Krazy Kat, s/d [undated], caneta sobre papel [ink on paper]
Geraldine Javier, Weavers of Time [Tecelãs do tempo], 2013, óleo sobre tela, resina, madeira, renda em frivolitê [oil on canvas, resin, wood, tatting laces], pintura [painting] 228 x 190.5 cm, escultura [sculpture] 122 x 183 x 122 cm. Coleção de [collection of] Arario Museum em [in] Space, Seul, Coreia do Sul [Seoul, Korea]
Grupo de Investigación en Arte y Política (GIAP), La marcha del silencio. Acción masiva de Bases de Apoyo del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional [A marcha do silêncio. Ação massiva das Bases de Apoio do Exército Zapatista de Libertação Nacional], San Cristóbal de las Casas, México, 2012
Still do vídeo [video still], editado por [edited by] Rompeviento TV
Guadalupe Maravilla, Disease Thrower #4, 2019. Gongo, metal, madeira, algodão, mistura de cola, plástico, bucha e objetos coletados a partir de um ritual em que o artista retraça sua rota de migração original [gong, steel, wood, cotton, glue mixture, plastic, loofah, and objects collected from a ritual of retracing the artist’s original migration route], 243.8 x 144.8 x 160 cm. Cortesia de [courtesy of] Guadalupe Maravilla e [and] P·P·O·W, New York
Ibrahim Mahama,
Parliament of Ghosts [Parlamento de fantasmas], 2019
Vista da instalação [installation view]
Cortesia do artista [courtesy of the artist]
Igshaan Adams, Desire Lines [Linhas de desejo], 2022, vista da instalação [installation view], The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Estados Unidos [United States]. Cortesia do artista e [courtesy the artist and] The Art Institute of Chicago. © Igshaan Adams
Ilze Wolff, Sounding the Steinkopf Community Centre, 2020. Fotografia [photography] Cortesia da artista [courtesy of the artist]
Inaicyra Falcão, Breve e seca [brief and dry], 1995, registro de performance [register]. Foto [photo]: Roberto Berton (Observatório da Unicamp / Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil). Reprodução [reproduction]: Léo Monteiro / Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Januário Jano, Reposed Project / Baptism [Projeto repousado / Batismo], 2019 Edição 1/3 + 2 PA Jato de tinta sobre papel fine art 100% algodão 50 x 44 x 2 cm (20 peças [pieces]) Cortesia do artista [courtesy of the artist]
Jorge Ribalta Da série Faute d’argent (Eight Short Pieces) [Falta de dinheiro (Oito peças curtas)], 2016-20 Impressão sobre papel de gelatina e prata [] Coleção [collection]: Fundación Mapfre, Madri [Madrid]
Julien Creuzet, Ceci n’est pas un oxymore : les orbes triangulaires de Julien Creuzet (…) [Isto não é um oxímoro: as órbitas triangulares de Julien Creuzet (…)], 2021. Vista da exposição no Prix Marcel Duchamp 2021, no Centre Pompidou (Paris, França). Cortesia do artista e [courtesy of the artist and] Galerie High Art Paris/Arles © Foto [photo]: Bertrand Prévost, Centre Pompidou
Kamal Aljafari, A Fidai Film, 2023
Still de vídeo [video still]
Kapwani Kiwanga, pink-blue [rosa-azul], 2017
Tinta rosa Baker-Miller, tinta branca, luzes brancas fluorescentes, luzes azuis fluorescentes [Baker-Miller pink paint, white paint, white fluorescent lights, blue fluorescent lights]
Dimensões variáveis
[Variable dimensions]
Vista da exposição [Exhibition view], “The Artist is Present”, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China, 2018
Cortesia da artista,
[Courtesy the artist], Gucci e [and] Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, Johannesburg, London / Galerie Poggi, Paris / Galerie Tanja Wagner, Berlin
Leilah Weinraub, SHAKEDOWN, 2018. Still de filme [film still], cortesia da artista [courtesy of the artist]
Leopoldo Méndez, Fusilado (para la película Un Día de Vida) [Fusilado (para o filme Um dia de vida)], 1950
Linoleogravura [Linocut]
Crédito: Colección Carlos Monsiváis Museo del Estanquillo
Luana Vitra, Fio desencapado, isca de confusão 9 [Bare wire, confusion hook 9], 2023
Ferro, cimento, plástico, borracha, tecido e chumbo [steel, cement, rubber, fabric and lead]
199 x 105 x 5 cm
Foto [photo]: Victor de Oliveira Galvão
Luiz de Abreu
M’barek Bouhchichi
Projeto para [project for] Nous sommes ce qui vous ne voulez pas voir [Nós somos aqueles que vocês não querem ver], 2023
Nanquim, grafite e aquarela sobre papel [Ink, pencil and watercolor on paper]
Cortesia do artista [courtesy of the artist]
Lienzo de [Tecido de] Tlaxcala, 1560
65 x 26,5 cm
Desenho policromado sobre papel de casca de árvore relata a história do encontro dos Tlaxcallans e Castelhanos e sua aliança contra os Mexica em 1521 [Polychrome drawing on bark paper created between 1530 and 1550 relating the history of the encounter of the Tlaxcallans and Castillians and their allying against the Mexica in 1521]
Manuel Chavajay
Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs, Bessie Smith, Queen of the Blues [Rainha do blues], 1953
Litografia [litograph]
Collection Prignitz, Berlim
Foto [photo]: Prignitz
Marilyn Boror Bor
Marlon Riggs, Tongues United [Línguas desatadas], 1989, stills de filme [film stills]
Crédito da foto [photo credits]: Signifyin’ Works
Melchor María Mercado, Album de paisajes, tipos humanos y costumbres de Bolivia [Álbum de paisagens, tipos humanos e costumes da Bolívia], 1841-1869
Aquarela sobre papel [watercolor on paper]
20,5 x 33 cm (141 folhas) [141 sheets]
Coleção [collection]: Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia
Morzaniel Ɨramari, Mãri hi, A Árvore do Sonho, 2023
Vídeo, cor, som, [video, color, sound] 17′
Cortesia do artista [courtesy of the artist]
Mounira Al Solh, Sama’/Ma’as – ( توت / توت)[Baga/Chifre], 2014, cortina de retalhos com dois lados, 273 x 278 cm. Cortesia da artista e Sfeir-Semler Gallery Beirut/Hamburg
Nadal Walcott
Soumeya Ait Ahmed e Nadir Bouhmouch, A (Rough) Seasonal Work Song [Uma (dura) canção de trabalho sazonal], vídeo digital / 16:9 / cor. Coleção: “Against Monoculture” [Contra a monocultura]
Nikau Hindin, Te Tīpare o Hine Takurua II e [and] Te Tīpare o Hine Raumati II, 2020. Kōkōwai [ocre vermelho] e ngārahu [tinta de fuligem] sobre aute [pano de papel de casca de amoreira]
Coleção [collection]: Te Aopare Dewes
Foto [photo]: Seb Charles
Niño de Elche. Foto: Juan Carlos Quindós
Nontsikelelo Mutiti
Patricia Gómez & María Jesús González, À tous les clandestins. Puntos de salida, Nouadhibou. #3,2015
Fotografia/impressão digital [Photography/ Digital print]
Cortesia das artistas [courtesy of the artists]
Pauline Boudry e Renate Lorenz, (No) Time [(Não) tempo], 2020
Still de vídeo. Instalação com HD e 3 persianas, 18’.
Coreografia/performance: Julie Cunningham, Werner Hirsch, Joy Alpuerto Ritter, Aaliyah Thanisha. Cortesia: Ellen de Bruijne Projects Amsterdam e Marcelle Alix Paris
Philip Rizk
Raquel Lima, Rasura [Erasure], 2021
Still de vídeo [video still]
Criação [Creation]: Raquel Lima
Realização [Realization]: Lubanzadyo Mpemba e Raquel Lima
Cortesia da artista [Courtesy of the artist]
Ricardo Aleixo na exposição [at the exhibition] Carolina Maria de Jesus: um Brasil para os brasileiros (IMS São Paulo),
Foto [photo]: Natália Alves
Rolando Castellón
Rommulo Vieira Conceição, vista de [view of] O espaço físico pode ser um lugar abstrato, complexo e em construção [Physical space can be an abstract space, complex and under construction], 2021. obra comissionada para o Instituto Inhotim (MG) [artwork comissioned for Instituto Inhotim]
Foto [photo]: Rafael Muniz
Cortesia do artista [courtesy of the artist]
Rosa Gauditano, da série [from the series] Lésbicas, Boate Dinosaurus [nightclub], São Paulo, 1979
Cortesia da artista [courtesy of the artist]
Rosana Paulino
Rubem Valentim,O templo de Oxalá [Oxalá Temple] (detalhe [detail]), 1977
Escultura em madeira com pintura acrílica [Wood sculpture with acrylic painting]
278 x 78 x 78 cm
Coleção [Collection]: Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia
Rubiane Maia, Preparação para Exercício Aéreo, a Montanha [Preparation for aerial exercise, the mountain], 2016
Video still by Rubiane Maia and Manuel Vason
Sammy Baloji
Santu Mofokeng (1956–2020), Easter Sunday Church Service, 1996, fotografia [photography], 1996, Santu Mofokeng Foundation, Images courtesy [cortesia de] Lunetta Bartz, MAKER, Johannesburg
Sarah Maldoror © Bildtjänst H. Nicolaisen. Cortesia: Annoucha de Andrade & Henda Ducados
Malu Avelar, Sauna lésbica [Lesbian Sauna], 2019
Vista do Festival Valongo [View from the Festival do Valongo] (2019)
Foto [photo]: Marina Lima
Senga Nengudi, Masked Taping, 1978-1979 (detalhe [detail])
Folha de contato, impressão em gelatina de prata [Contact sheet, silver gelatin print]
104,1 × 253,8 cm (emoldurado [framed])
Cortesia de [courtesy of] Sprüth Magers and Thomas Erben Gallery, Nova York
Foto [photo]: Adam Avila © Senga Nengudi, 2023
Sidney Amaral, O estrangeiro [The stranger], 2011
Acrílica sobre tela [acrylic on canvas], 210 x 138 cm
Acervo [Collection] Banco Itaú
Foto [photo]: João Liberato
Simone Leigh e Madeleine Hunt-Ehrlich, Conspiracy [Conspiração], 2022. Still de vídeo [video still]. Cortesia das artistas [courtesy of the artists]
Sonia Gomes, Sem título [Untitled], 2004-21. Costuras, amarrações, diversos tecidos e rendas [Stitching, bindings, different fabrics and laces], 180 x 100 x 80 cm
Foto [photo]: Bruno Leão
Cortesia da artista e [courtesy of the artist and] Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo, Nova York, Bruxelas
Stella do Patrocínio em liberdade antes da internação forçada [in freedom before her forced hospitalization].
Acervo pessoal de seu sobrinho [Do Patrocínio’s nephew’s personal archive], cedido à pesquisadora [ceded to researcher] Anna Carolina Vicentini Zacharias
Tejal Shah
The Living and The Dead Ensemble
Torkwase Dyson, Untitled (Becoming 01–Becoming 200) [Sem título (Tornando-se 01–Tornando-se 200)], 2016–2021, guache e caneta sobre papel. Série composta de 200 partes, 30,5cm x 22,9 cm cada © Torkwase Dyson / Pace Gallery
Trinh T. Minh-ha
Ubirajara Ferreira Braga, Artistas-pacientes [Artists-patients], 1987
Guache sobre papel [Gouache on paper]
66,5 x 50 cm
Coleção [Collection]: Museu de Arte Osório Cesar, Franco da Rocha
Foto [Photo]: Everton Ballardin / Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Ventura Profana, Resplandescente, 2019 Video, 5’20’’ Realização [Realization]: Ventura Profana, podeserdesligado, Rainha F., Davi de Jesus do Nascimento, Davi Nascimento, Vedroso, Antoine Golay e [and] Carlos Queirozi
Will Rawls, [siccer], 2023
Performance, vídeo, som [Live performance, video, sound]
Foto [Photo]: Jared Sorrells/Novo Studio
[siccer] foi originalmente comissionado por [was originally commissioned by] The Kitchen em parceria com os co-comissários [in partnership with co-commissioners] The Momentary, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, On the Boards, e o [and the] Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.
Wifredo Lam diante de [in front of] La Jungla (1943) e [and] La Mañana verde (1943) em seu estúdio em [in his studio in] Havana. La Silla (1943) está sobre o piso [is on the floor], 1943
© Wifredo Lam Archives, Paris
Yto Barrada, Carrières Centrales, Casablanca Ecochard Grid, grey, fig.1, 2015
Serigrafia em papel [Screen print on paper]
32 x 25 cm
Cortesia da artista [Courtesy of the artist]
Carnaval em Salvador, desfile do Afoxé Kori Efan [[Carnival in Salvador, Afoxé Kori Efan parade], 2019. Zumví arquivo afro fotográfico. Foto [photo]: Lázaro Roberto
Full List
Ahlam Shibli
Aida Harika Yanomami, Edmar Tokorino Yanomami & Roseane Yariana Yanomami
Aline Motta*
Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda.
Amos Gitaï
Ana Pi & Taata Kwa Nkisi Mutá Imê*
Anna Boghiguian*
Anne-Marie Schneider
Archivo de la Memoria Trans (AMT)
Arthur Bispo do Rosário
Aurora Cursino dos Santos
Ayrson Heráclito & Tiganá Santana*
Benvenuto Chavajay
Bouchra Ouizguen*
Carlos Bunga
Carmézia Emiliano
Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro*
Ceija Stojka
Charles White
Citra Sasmita
Colectivo Ayllu
Cozinha Ocupação 9 de Julho – MSTC
Daniel Lie*
Daniel Lind-Ramos
Davi Pontes & Wallace Ferreira
Dayanita Singh*
Deborah Anzinger*
Denilson Baniwa*
Denise Ferreira da Silva
Diego Araúja & Laís Machado
Duane Linklater*
Edgar Calel
Elda Cerrato*
Elena Asins
Elizabeth Catlett*
Ellen Gallagher* & Edgar Cleijne
Emanoel Araújo
Eustáquio Neves
Francisco Toledo
Frente 3 de Fevereiro*
Gabriel Gentil Tukano*
George Herriman
Geraldine Javier*
Grupo de Investigación en Arte y Política (GIAP)
Gloria Anzaldúa
Guadalupe Maravilla
Ibrahim Mahama
Igshaan Adams*
Ilze Wolff
Inaicyra Falcão*
Januário Jano
Jesús Ruiz Durand
John Woodrow Wilson
Jorge Ribalta
José Guadalupe Posada
Juan van der Hamen y León
Judith Scott
Julien Creuzet*
Kamal Aljafari
Kapwani Kiwanga
Katherine Dunham
Kidlat Tahimik
Leilah Weinraub*
Leopoldo Méndez
Luana Vitra
Luiz de Abreu*
Manuel Chavajay*
Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs
Marilyn Boror Bor*
Marlon Riggs
Maya Deren
M’barek Bouhchichi
Melchor María Mercado
Min Tanaka & François Pain
Morzaniel Ɨramari
Mounira Al Solh*
Nadal Walcot*
Nadir Bouhmouch & Soumeya Ait Ahmed*
Nikau Hindin
Niño de Elche*
Nontsikelelo Mutiti*
Patricia Gómez & María Jesús González
Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz*
Philip Rizk*
Quilombo Cafundó
Raquel Lima
Ricardo Aleixo
Rolando Castellón*
Rommulo Vieira Conceição
Rosa Gauditano
Rosana Paulino*
Rubem Valentim
Rubiane Maia
Sammy Baloji*
Santu Mofokeng*
Sarah Maldoror*
Sauna Lésbica by Malu Avelar with Ana Paula Mathias, Anna Turra, Bárbara Esmenia & Marta Supernova
Senga Nengudi
Sidney Amaral
Simone Leigh & Madeleine Hunt-Ehrlich
Sonia Gomes
stanley brouwn*
Stella do Patrocínio
Taller 4 Rojo
Taller NN
Tejal Shah*
The Living and the Dead Ensemble*
Torkwase Dyson*
Trinh T. Minh-Ha*
Ubirajara Ferreira Braga
Ventura Profana
Wifredo Lam*
Will Rawls
Xica Manicongo
Yto Barrada
Zumví Arquivo Afro Fotográfico
The names followed by * have already been announced in the first partial list.
Get to know more about them in the participants page.
The setting for the choreographies of the impossible: architectural design
For the development of the architectural design of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo, the renowned team at Vão was invited. With an outstanding track record, Vão is known for its innovative and award-winning approach in the field of architecture. The firm’s partners Anna Juni, Enk te Winkel, and Gustavo Delonero are highly regarded for their ability to create spaces that provoke interaction and reflection.
For the design of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo, Vão proposes an innovative look at the choreography of the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, exploring the relationship between the exhibition space and the visitor’s experience. The group took on the challenge of facing the modernist conceptual and structural conventions of the building itself, in order to create a different flow of movement in the relationship between artworks and people.
The architectural design developed by Vão promises to offer a new experience for visitors to the traditional Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion at the 35th Bienal de São Paulo, inviting the public to explore the space in a new way: the central opening of the Bienal Pavilion will be closed for the first time in history.
For the architects, the proposal goes beyond a new look at the iconic Pavilion: “From the very beginning, we sought a design that would place itself between the desire not to re-enact the existing spatial choreography and, at the same time, not to impose a different choreography, totally disconnected from its internal logics. To this end, we would have to dance with the existing and with the available. That is, in addition to the attention given to reusing materials left over from the old exhibitions, we aimed to create spaces from the constructive elements that constitute the Pavilion.”
Press conference and pre-opening for professionals
The accreditation period for the press and cultural sector professionals for the pre-opening of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo began on June 7. The press conference will be held in person, at the Bienal auditorium, on September 4, from 9am to 10:30am, followed by the pre-opening of the exhibition especially for the press, until 4pm. On September 5, from 10am to 7pm, the pre-opening of the exhibition will take place for sector professionals, professors and guests, which accredited journalists may also attend.
Press accreditation can be obtained here.
Accreditation for cultural sector professionals can be obtained here.
About the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Founded in 1962, the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo is a private, nonprofit institution with no political or religious ties, whose actions are aimed at democratizing access to culture and fostering interest in artistic creation. Every two years, the foundation holds the Bienal de São Paulo, the largest exhibition in the Southern Hemisphere, and its itinerant exhibitions in several cities in Brazil and abroad. The institution is also the custodian of two Latin American artistic and cultural heritage assets: a historical archive of modern and contemporary art that is a benchmark in Latin America (Arquivo Histórico Wanda Svevo), and the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, the listed building designed by Oscar Niemeyer which is also the foundation’s headquarters. The Fundação Bienal de São Paulo is also responsible for the idealization and production of the Brazilian representations at the Venice Biennales of art and architecture, a prerogative granted to it decades ago by the Federal Government in recognition of the excellence of its contributions to Brazilian culture.
35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible
Curators: Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes, and Manuel Borja-Villel
September 6 – December 10 2023
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun: 10am – 7pm (last entry: 6:30pm)
Thu, Sat: 10am – 9pm (last entry: 8:30pm)
Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion
Ibirapuera Park – Gate 3
free admission
Press conference: September 4, from 9am to 10:30am
Pre-opening for the press: September 4, from the end of the press conference until 4pm
Press accreditation:
Pre-opening for cultural sector professionals: September 5, from 10am to 7pm
Accreditation for professionals: